Posts Tagged DIY abortion

red silohette of women holding phone

“Pregnant? Don’t Want To Be? Call Jane.”

This fall, Elisabeth Moss signed on to star in a movie about the underground abortion service Jane. There are, in fact, at least three films currently in the works about this legendary network that was once known as “the best kept secret” in Chicago.

This fall, Elisabeth Moss signed on to star in a movie about the underground abortion service Jane. There are, in fact, at least three films currently in the works about this legendary network that was once known as “the ...

chart of abortion restrictions and google searches over time

There were 700,000 Google searches for self-inducing an abortion in the US last year

There have been a few studies — and plenty of anecdotal evidence — pointing to an uptick in self-induced abortion attempts as the result of dwindling access to legal abortion in many states. Now an economist at The New York Times looks at what Google search patterns reveal about the trend. 

There have been a few studies — and plenty of anecdotal evidence — pointing to an uptick in self-induced abortion attempts as the result of dwindling access