Posts Tagged consent is sexy

On the Critical Hotness of Enthusiastic Consent

This post is by Erin, SAFER’s Campus Accountability Project Coordinator, and is cross-posted from Change Happens

I am pleased to share some of the best, most comprehensive and most badass explanations of enthusiastic consent, “Sex Talk” below. We at SAFER can’t emphasize enough how important it is that a sexual assault policy be sex positive. And I know at first glance that might have a strange ring to it, but gimme a minute and I’ll lay it out for you.

A comprehensive and usable understanding of consent is the absolute first step to preventing sexual violence. In turn, a strong definition of consent in a sexual assault policy on a college campus is how to make policy sex-positive. ...

This post is by Erin, SAFER’s Campus Accountability Project Coordinator, and is cross-posted from Change Happens

I am pleased to share some of the best, most comprehensive and most badass explanations of enthusiastic consent, “Sex Talk” below. ...