Posts Tagged Columbia

The Wednesday Weigh-In: How do you carry that weight together?

Today is international Carry That Weight Day of Action. Students at schools across the country will symbolically support survivors gender-based violence by collectively carrying mattresses around campus, inspired by Columbia senior Emma Sulkowicz’s “Mattress Project.” We’ve written before about Barnard student Allie Rickard’s call for everyone to “carry that weight together” and take collective responsibility for the burden we’ve allowed survivors to bear alone too long. Now she and other Morningside Heights organizers have organized this international day of solidarity to spread the message to other colleges and universities.

Today is international Carry That Weight Day of Action. Students at schools across the country will symbolically support survivors gender-based violence by collectively carrying mattresses around campus, inspired by Columbia senior Emma ...

Will the Columbia administration help carry the weight?

Student organizers have put sexual violence at Columbia University on the national agenda through federal complaints, graduation demonstrations, investigative journalism, and performance art. Will the administrators now join the rest of the campus to help carry the weight for survivors like Emma Sulkowicz, the senior carrying her mattress with her until she no longer has to go to school with her rapist?

Student organizers have put sexual violence at Columbia University on the national agenda through federal complaints, graduation demonstrations, investigative journalism, and performance art. Will ...

What We Missed

Celebrity Props of the Day go to Halle Berry: She volunteers regularly at (and donates to) a domestic violence shelter in LA, and helps renovate old apartments for those who leave abusive relationships and are seeking shelter. Awesome. (Via)

Colombia just passed a new law that ensures free access to contraceptives. (Although I don’t envy their abortion law.)

How Bollywood is beginning to respond to India’s caste system.

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour makes seemingly positive remarks about the Citizens Council movement, an anti-integration and pro-white supremacy group during the Civil Rights era.

Celebrity Props of the Day go to Halle Berry: She volunteers regularly at (and donates to) a domestic violence shelter in LA, and helps renovate old apartments for those who leave abusive relationships ...