Kansas gives out breastfeeding cards

And they’re laminated and everything.
This is too great. In a move to aid breastfeeding moms against those who find feeding babies objectionable, Kansas health officials are giving out cards with a message: “A mother may breast-feed in any place she has a right to be.”
The cards are part of a public education campaign surrounding Kansas’ new law protecting women’s right to breastfeed in public. The initiative is being run by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the La Leche League.

“The law is really no good unless moms know about it,” said Brenda Bandy, professional liaison for La Leche League of Kansas. “These cards are handy, they’re durable, and they might just be the little bit of added confidence some moms need.”

If a woman is asked to leave a public place for breastfeeding, the back of the card has numbers where she can report the incident.
Looks like the lactivists are doing pretty well for themselves! Sweet.
Via Broadsheet.

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