Posts Tagged BMI test

Case of 11 year old girl shows we shouldn’t use BMI testing in schools to shame kids

An 11 year old girl in Florida was given a health assessment at school by the Collier County Health Department. The assessment included a BMI (Body Mass Index) test and the results came back that she was overweight. She was sent home with a letter that included the dangers of being overweight and stated she was at risk for  being fat all of her life if no one intervened. Her mother was rightfully concerned about how harmful this practice could be to girls’ self esteem.

I, on the other hand, have some issues with how the story is being reported. Clips from the aired news story include Lily Grassow playing volleyball and being active in her average-sized body. Other shots follow ...

An 11 year old girl in Florida was given a health assessment at school by the Collier County Health Department. The assessment included a BMI (Body Mass Index) test and the results came back that she was overweight. ...