Posts Tagged Baena

Shriver and Baena Defy Catfight Conventions

“Hell hath no fury like a reporter scorned by a cheating ex-husband keeping a love child and secret mistress.”

“Home wreckers typically thrive on power and dominance, and are only excited when they feel like they are both getting away with something by participating in an affair and are stealing something from another woman.”

These are just a few of the inflammatory and antagonistic things that were said in the media about the relationship between Mariah Shriver and Mildred Baena, the (now separated) wife and ex-lover of Arnold Schwarzenegger, respectively. While they were having a field day with the “love child” story the first broke back in May, many of the major media outlets and tabloids pitted Shriver and ...

“Hell hath no fury like a reporter scorned by a cheating ex-husband keeping a love child and secret mistress.”

“Home wreckers typically thrive on power and dominance, and are only excited when they feel like ...