Posts Tagged anti-carceral feminism


Feministing Reads: Angela Y. Davis’s Freedom is A Constant Struggle

“I understand that Hillary Clinton spoke at a church in Florissant, a few days ago, some five miles from Ferguson, where she insisted that ‘All lives matter.’ Does she not realize the extent to which such universal proclamations have always bolstered racism?”

“I understand that Hillary Clinton spoke at a church in Florissant, a few days ago, some five miles from Ferguson, where she insisted that ‘All lives matter.’ Does she not realize the extent to which such universal ...


Immigrant domestic violence survivor convicted of “child abduction” for fleeing abuse

Nan-Hui Jo is the latest victim of a US state that punishes survivors — particularly immigrant women and women of color — while its public engagement office churns out glossy pro-survivor PR campaigns

Nan-Hui Jo is the latest victim of a US state that punishes survivors — particularly immigrant women and women of color — while its public engagement office churns out glossy pro-survivor PR campaigns