Posts Tagged americas

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Bearing Witness: Feminists must step up for climate justice

Ed. note: This post is part of a series, “Bearing Witness,” highlighting indigenous women fighting for climate justice in the Americas. Read the rest of the series here.

The environmental movement was never my movement. I grew up in a part of the country where we recycled and composted before it became more mainstream, and where you could buy “green” just about anything. 

Ed. note: This post is part of a series, “Bearing Witness,” highlighting indigenous women fighting for climate justice in the Americas. Read the rest of the series here.

The environmental movement was never my movement. I ...

Like in the US, Black women in Brazil face racist state violence

On August 22nd, over 50,000 people hit the streets of Brazil to protest the killings of Black Brazilians as a result of the drug war. Similar to protests happening in Ferguson, the Second National March Against the Genocide of Black Peoples called out an epidemic of police violence that makes the US’s pale in comparison.

On August 22nd, over 50,000 people hit the streets of Brazil to protest the killings of Black Brazilians as a result of the drug war. Similar to protests happening in Ferguson, the Second National March Against the Genocide ...