Posts Tagged Afghanistan

What We Missed

South Dakota Bill 1171 sponsor Rep. Phil Jensen is claiming the bill’s language will be modified (and why his defense of the bill is bull).

What’s worse than Adam Sandler’s decaying Hollywood career? His offensive (and just straight up bad) joke about asking his wife for a transgender housekeeper so he could have “another penis in the house.” Like wow, that is funny. I’m rolling on the floor. Really.

A new report reveals the prevalence of pregnancy coercion. Amanda’s analysis is spot-on.

Afghan women’s rights activists take action against a government takeover of shelters for abuse survivors.

The victim-blaming machine has kicked in already after Lara Logan’s assault.

South Dakota Bill 1171 sponsor Rep. Phil Jensen is claiming the bill’s language will be modified (and why his defense of the bill is bull).

What’s worse than Adam Sandler’s decaying Hollywood career? His


On Time’s “Courageous” Cover.

I have been stewing over the implications of TIME’s decision to run the face of a mutilated Afghani woman on the cover of the magazine to raise awareness about women’s rights in Afghanistan. Many have applauded TIME’s decision to do this calling it courageous and effective, all while recognizing this is also a cheap plea for magazine sales. I am taking issue specifically with the use of the image on the cover, not the article itself which was not available online in its entirety (but trust I will steal my dad’s copy of TIME asap). My inquiry is two fold: first, the assumption that military presence in Afghanistan has made women’s rights better is a complicated one that ...

I have been stewing over the implications of TIME’s decision to run the face of a mutilated Afghani woman on the cover of the magazine to raise awareness about women’s rights in Afghanistan. Many have applauded ...

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