Kay Ryan, Outsider With Sly Style, Named Poet Laureate

When Kay Ryan was a student at the University of California, Los Angeles, the poetry club rejected her application; she was perhaps too much of a loner, she recalls. Now Ms. Ryan is being inducted into one of the most elite poetry clubs around. She is to be named the country’s poet laureate on Thursday.

That description “perhaps too much of a loner”, is a bit euphemistic.  Although she surely transcends the label "gay poet" it is indeed noteworthy that being an out lesbian did not harm her chances to be considered for, much less, awarded this honor.

Her poems, she says, don’t begin with a simple image or sound, but instead start "the way an oyster does, with an aggravation." An old saw may nudge her repeatedly, such as "It’s always darkest before the dawn" or "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

"I think, ‘What about those chickens?’ " she says, "and I start an investigation of what that means. Poets rehabilitate clichés."

Some do, perhaps, but many wouldn’t dare to enter such familiar territory. Ryan, however, adds depth and so many surprises that the silliest clichés become fertile ground. "The other shoe," from 2003, is a classic example:

The other shoe

Oh if it were
only the other
shoe hanging
in space before
joining its mate.
If the undropped
didn’t congregate
with the undropped.
But nothing can
stop the mid-air
collusion of the
unpaired above us
acquiring density
and weight. We

feel it accumulate.



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