Brian Lehrer Asks, Is Palin a Feminist?

Here’s me discussing Sarah Palin, feminism etc. with the awesome Gloria Jacobs of the Feminist Press on Brian Lehrer Live. When it gets past the SNL skit, you get to hear Lehrer say that feministing sounds like “one of those new fangled sports teams.” Notice my total lack of capacity to respond and I invite you to play a new drinking game where you take a swig every time I say “wild” during this interview.

The Feminist Press’ Gloria Jacobs and’s Courtney Martin Discuss Sarah Palin from Brian Lehrer Live on Vimeo.
*By the way, this is what I look like on TV when I haven’t had my hair straightened or my makeup done. I like it better and it’s really interesting for me because big networks always say, “You’d be horrified by how you looked if we didn’t do the professional makeup.” Um, not horrified at all, actually.

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