Nikki M

College student, activist, planning on going to graduate school for public policy and women's health. I want to make sure women have access to reproductive health care, to affordable options for labor and delivery, and that women who choose to have children are able to provide for those children. On the side I want to fight for affordable higher education, and quality public schools. I also want to fight for LGBTQA rights. I want to fight for an America and a world that transcends RCG stratification and end classism and rasism. In short, I want to break the world in half and remake it in a feminist, womanist, humanist image. I am a bisexual woman, a feminist, a student, an activist, and a human. Not always in that order.

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Common Sense Tips on Preventing Sexual Assault

This post was originally posted on here.

Written by Nicole Murray, Advocates for Youth Intern

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Now is the time we see also those cute tips aimed primarily at women, telling them to curtail their behavior, or they might get raped, with the implied message that if you don’t take these tips to heart, you will be assaulted, and it will be your fault.

These often involved tips like “Don’t dress this way or that, dress the way society thinks you should dress, forget about having your own sense of style.” Or “don’t drink! Ever!” (If I am of legal age, I can just as much drink as anyone else) or “Don’t walk home by yourself, even if you like walking! Even if you are too drunk to drive and know that walking is safer, and why were you drinking in the first place?!” or “Don’t have sex! Having sex once, yes once, means you consent to all sex from here on after, no matter what!”

So, detailed below are some tips I think are more appropriate then asking women to give up some of their independence, and are tailored to preventing sexual assault of both men and women. (Yes, women are statistically more likely to be assaulted, but it is a problem faced by men (hetero, gay, cis, trans) and women (hetero, gay, cis trans)), and perpetuated by men (hetero, gay, cis, trans) and women (hetero, gay, cis, ...

No, posting a fruit in your status does not raise awareness for breast cancer.

Last year a whole bunch of people decided that to raise awareness for breast cancer by having women would post the color of bra they were wearing as their status. Then women were asked to post where the “liked it” – “it” being their hand bag. So “I like it on the floor” or “I like it on the couch” – these status supposedly were raising awareness about breast cancer, or showing that you supported this cause. However, the whole time the thing that was constantly repeated was similar to what you might expect 13 year olds to sound like at a slumber party: “HEHEHEHE! *giggle* don’t tell the boys! Haha, the boys are going to be so confused!”

So I ...

Last year a whole bunch of people decided that to raise awareness for breast cancer by having women would post the color of bra they were wearing as their status. Then women were asked to post where ...