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Pinterest or Pornterest? The Sexualization of Latinas Online.

I admit it. I have an addiction. 

My addiction keeps me awake for hours when I should be sleeping, and it distracts me when my boyfriend is telling me a story.

As much as I loathed the fact that my parents would frustratedly joke that they should’ve named me “Xiomara Internet Maldonado,” I have to say they were probably right.

But there’s a certain Internet site I’ve been particularly addicted to lately: Pinterest.

The thrill that comes from finding a great image to pin or repin is intoxicating, and I just can’t seem to stop.

I’m too busy pinning, repinning, following and liking to remember that I have cookies baking in the oven until I smell them burning. (Especially since I just can’t seem to figure out which of my 28 boards I should pin an image to.)

I refuse, however, to give up my interest in social media and other online programs and services. I’ve learned that the Internet is a great resource for entertainment, creativity, networking and sharing.

I’ve also learned that not everything in this virtual world is wholesome–hackers use Facebook and email accounts to send out spammy messages; stalkers track their prey through Twitter; and sleazy pop-up ads promoting “Sexy Russians” with huge nipples assault your computer screen.

So I shouldn’t have been surprised when I typed “Latina” in the Pinterest search button for my new “Everything Latina Y Latino” board and came up with a page full of pornographic photos of women.

I personally use ...