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Dumbing it down – Gretchen Carlson

While this is a bit delayed, its too good not to post!  Jon Stewart discusses the dumbing down of Gretchen Carlson on Fox News.  While Jon takes a shot at the Fox audience that "sees intellect as an elitist flaw", I wish he had also made the connection to the fact that Gretchen is a female and blond – both of which are likely factors in her dumbing down.  Nice to see this sort of ‘playing dumb’ pointed out.  Plus, its comedy gold.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Gretchen Carlson Dumbs Down Daily Show
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Too Big for My Skin

I saw a performance of this last night at the Acadia Cafe in Minneapolis.  Thought you might enjoy some feel good vibes!

Too Big For My Skin by Desdamona

The author says, "It’s not just a poem.  It’s a mind state.  It’s an international campaign that invites you to leave your response to the video in the comment section or to submit your very own video response.  It’s about positive body image, acceptance and strength.  It’s about finding your voice and speaking.  Join us in the campaign!"

I saw a performance of this last night at the Acadia Cafe in Minneapolis.  Thought you might enjoy some feel good vibes!

Too Big For My Skin by Desdamona

The author says, "It’s not just a poem.  It’s a ...

Questions for Tucker Max

This Friday, a writer from the Chicago Tribune is scheduled to go out with Tucker Max for an article.  Before then, I would like to provide this writer with some helpful insight and zingy questions to ask Tucker.  Specifically, I think it would make an interesting article to get to the bottom of his "Its a joke " theory.

What questions would you like to ask Tucker Max?  Help me brainstorm and I"ll pass them along!

This Friday, a writer from the Chicago Tribune is scheduled to go out with Tucker Max for an article.  Before then, I would like to provide this writer with some helpful insight and zingy questions to ask ...

The Five Stages of Feminism

First time poster here with some thoughts to share…

The more my feminist self has been exploring, learning, and questioning, the more I am realizing that I am going through a process quite similar to the Kübler-Ross model of grief.  This model lays out five different stages that people often go through during grief and they remarkably match the emotions and thoughts that I have gone through in my feminism.  (Note: not everyone completes all stages in this particular order.  Some get stuck in various stages for long periods of time before moving on – or even get stuck permanently.)

Stage 1: Denial – ignoring or just unaware of the sexism around us, perhaps thinking “its not that ...

First time poster here with some thoughts to share…

The more my feminist self has been exploring, learning, and questioning, the more I am realizing that I am going through a process quite similar to the Kübler-Ross model ...