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Code Pink Women

Well hello from Florida, where feminism went to die.

After the Uterus Banning in our state house, the sexism has moved on to the national level.

Rep. Allen West from the sunshine state made some great comments according to Mother Jones and others.

He told republican women at a conference that “Code Pink women” were cutting off the balls of men in America and causing national debt.

In a way, I should thank Rep. West for the compliment.  Who knew my fellow feminist and I had done so much work or that we had so much power? Now that we know we are in charge of national debt just think what we can do? The army will be holding a bake sale for new guns next week! The media will be taxed for racist sexist ablest comments.   Thank goodness Rep. West let us know how much power we had.

Let’s hear it for the “CODE PINK WOMEN” and their Allies!