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A Woman Can Be a Smart and Beautiful Feminist. Right?

Recently, a female writer publicly questioned the validity of my writing, apparently because she thought I was too attractive to form a logical argument.

In her words: “In the bigger picture of doing her part to create and nurture media myths by means of fact avoidance, hearsay, and transparently false conclusions, no one in my opinion does it better [than Ruchika Tulshyan]. But how can we fault a woman working for Forbes who looks like a gorgeous international model?”

She then went on to dismiss the small – but growing – legion of writers like me that focus on covering gender inequality: “…there exists a new generation of feminist media type who is hungry, narcissistic, and looking to make waves, hoping for that shot at MSNBC or CNN…”

I refuse to link to the piece, but I found her tirade deeply troubling for two reasons.