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Anti-Feminism Backfires Gloriously

So, I have this friend who is, though left leaning, not always exactly feminist friendly. It’s not that he completely objects to the idea of equality among the sexes, but (despite lots and lots and lots of evidence given by me and some of our other friends) he has a hard time believing things are as bad as we insist that they are. He also tends to think that a lot of us take our selves too seriously – mostly because we refuse to laugh at anti-feminist/misogynistic jokes. So, you can imagine I a little less than delighted to receive “Feminists Say the Darnest Things” by Mike Adams. From the backcover endorsement from Concerned Women for America to the fact that he insists on calling himself “Politically Incorrect” the book reeks of misogyny, and in fact that’s what it is – a repulsively whiny slew of insult after insult and complaint after complaint about how vulgar and mean and ugly and stupid feminists are (oh, and how much they hate – but secretly wanna be nailed by – the mythological White Christian Conservative Male, which is of course exactly who the author is).
I guess my discontent at receiving this book as a gift was pretty apparent because my friend took a minute to laugh before he explained to me just why he bought it in the first place. He had indeed at first bought is a joke and an attempt to ...

Islam Threatens Civilization

So, being a typical pre-hipster and perpetually bored high school kid, I was cruisin’ on Facebook the other day just for kicks when I stumbled across this gem:

"Islam Threatens Civilization."

That’s right. Now, not only are there groups that exist to perpetuate blatant misogyny (I’m lookin’ at you "STFU Hillary Clinton and make me a sandwich") but good ol’ Racism as well. Lovely. But before you go a worryin’  bout how the existence of a group like this might be construed as, say, hate, listen to what they have to say:

"No doubt something you see or read here will offend you, but that’s not what this group is for. It’s about speaking out. This is not a hate group. Members ...

So, being a typical pre-hipster and perpetually bored high school kid, I was cruisin’ on Facebook the other day just for kicks when I stumbled across this gem:

"Islam Threatens Civilization."

That’s right. Now, not only are there ...