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16 Steps to Every Argument a Man Has with a Woman Online

Now, I know what you are thinking. Every argument is different. The players involved are different. The content and context are different. There’s no way this piece can be indicative of a general reality.

Only it is.

I am going to use a specific argument to flesh out my points, but that’s only because this particular argument went on for 1,000 comments and covered every single base. Usually, only a few of these show up at the same time. But in this case, we got a bingo, and that needs to be recognized. In fact, I’ve even left off a few, due to length.

1) A condescending comment from a man to a woman, meant to be a “compliment”. Usually this occurs when a thread is already in session. This time, the man had the guts to go to this woman’s page, and post it with no prompting at all.