Posts Written by Ashleigh

and the economy struck down the band… (2009)

**This is a post from 2009 but it is still very pertinent in 2011.**

As advertised on my profile information, I work at a music store. Today, I had to resist the urge to give one of my customers a hug. She was a mother of two, black, and looked just so drained. She put the instrument up on the case and said that she wanted to return it. So, according to my training, I asked her if her child had decided to quit playing trumpet. She looked at the ground and said that no, she had lost her job and couldn’t afford to pay to rent anymore. I talked with her for about twenty minutes or so about how the economy was just sucking people dry. We delved into how the feeling of callous apathy permeated the American minds, leaving those who needed compassion the most left out in the cold. I gave her the website to UNC’s HR department so that she might find a job there and suggested a couple places to go to. She left a little happier and told me thank you for my kindness and understanding.

Capitalism: the accumulation of wealth motivated by the desire for profit (“profits are the money you make without working,” from “The Sword and the Dollar” by Parenti, pg. 8); the capitalist seeks to gain increasing amounts of profit ...

neither male nor female or none

She couldn’t kiss me, nor i her

those lips filled with acid realities

a peril i was not prepared to undertake

i couldn’t kiss him

that taste burned my tongue

a reality i knew too well

a box i had finally climbed out of

i wouldn’t touch it

the sweet unpredictable swelling

nestled in it cozy cave

frightened of new heights and sticky aftermaths

was i

i was a third party perspective,

the helicopter from the sky

peeking down from a window

i can’t place my hand upon my mound

without feeling the regret of its

familiarity and femininity

although masculinity is an aspect i

strove to embody

She couldn’t kiss me, nor i her

those lips filled with acid realities

a peril i was not prepared to undertake

i couldn’t kiss him

that taste burned my tongue

a reality i knew too well

a box i had finally climbed out ...