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“Yes, I’m a feminist…”

I just wanted to pose a question for you — how do you respond to someone who has a negative reaction when you mention that you’re a feminist?

Most of these people are just pretty obvious about feminism and think of it as the bra-burning, man-hating type. So whats a light-hearted way to respond when people say " you’re one of those.."?

I know there are so many things that you can bring up…gender roles, rape culture, etc…but whats a not-so-serious, conversational, quick way to make them understand your position?

Any thoughts would be great!

Chicago Women’s Rights Organizations

Hi Everyone!

I live in Chicago and am very interested in volunteering/interning at women’s rights organization (particularly with a global focus)

I was wondering if any of you knew of any such places? I know there is a lot of awesome ones in NYC and DC, but I just can’t seem to find any in Chicago!

Please let me know if you have any suggestions!

Hi Everyone!

I live in Chicago and am very interested in volunteering/interning at women’s rights organization (particularly with a global focus)

I was wondering if any of you knew of any such places? I know there is a lot ...