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he Femimyth: When did “feminist” become a bad word?

A SYTYCB entry I was chatting with a friend about a great quote on feminism that I recently heard. When I asked my friend if she related to it, she shrank back in shock “A feminist? I’m not a (with horror) Feminist!”

I was totally thrown. I am always surprised when a woman seems proud of being treated as “lesser” in the name of being traditional; it seems so outdated and insecure, especially when this is a confident and smart woman who lives a very progressive lifestyle. What was I missing here?

Beauty fatigue

A SYTYCB entry

I am suffering from “Beauty Fatigue”. It started after I had children and went from being somewhat well-groomed woman to a tired, unshowered milk machine. It was then that I realized my body had so much more value than the way it appeared to others. It could actually FEED SOMEONE! All by itself!!! And it could pick up things from the floor that were REALLY HEAVY! After a few years of parenting it could PICK UP TWO KIDS AT THE SAME TIME…WHILE HOLDING GROCERIES!! And my face, the one I plucked, primped, coated with paint, and attacked with retinol, could make my boys feel safe after a boo-boo and soothe a temper tantrum.

So that is the secret ...

A SYTYCB entry

I am suffering from “Beauty Fatigue”. It started after I had children and went from being somewhat well-groomed woman to a tired, unshowered milk machine. It was then that I realized my body had ...