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At the intersection of privilege and college admissions: An apology of a former Abigail Fisher

In retrospect, it would seem obvious that I, as the daughter of two upper middle-class liberals, growing up in an isolated suburban liberal hamlet, would become a racist.

I was not the White Supremacist flavor of racist, but I was a more subtle (and thus more dangerous) varietal of racist. I did not understand my privilege as a white woman, and I did not see and thus could not comprehend what it meant to live without it. I went to my share of Martin Luther King Day parades and was vocal in my support of local desegregation efforts, and I was even president of the local chapter of the Young Democrats.

But to me, racism was the specter of a different era; the era of segregated water fountains and lunch counters. I lived in a gated community and never interacted with people of color. It was not intentional on my part or the part of my parents. They wanted to live in a “safe” part of town, and as the local public schools were not very good, I either went to private school or to “magnet” programs housed in public schools.

I believed that if everyone worked hard enough, they would have access to the same educational and professional opportunities as I did. When I have been reading the recent lawsuit brought by Abigail Fisher, who believed she was denied college admission because she was white, it brought back my own college admission struggles, and the ...

NPR’s “Here and Now” Host Robin Young Asserts Young People “Can’t” Understand Criticisms of Kony 2012

Today I was listening to “Here and Now”, and the host was discussing the criticisms of the Kony 2012 campaign. They were all criticisms I had heard from my friends. I thought it was a great piece until the host, Robin Young, said that young people “can’t” understand these criticisms. I felt very insulted and infantilized. I sent her my reply, posted below, and she replied that she didn’t mean to offend me, but even if I understand, clearly there are people who “can’t” understand the criticisms.

So, feminists and activists, please take a second to go to the program’s website and say it is unacceptable to portray young activists as emotional, brain-washable, unthinking people incapable of understanding nuance.

Here ...

Today I was listening to “Here and Now”, and the host was discussing the criticisms of the Kony 2012 campaign. They were all criticisms I had heard from my friends. I thought it was a ...