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L.L. Bean, Land’s End, dipping toes into pornification game

I’m not sure the trickle down theory works in economics, but it sure seems to be taking effect in sexualized marketing. It starts with a drip, drip, drip. While sexualization creep touches girls at younger and younger ages, it also starts moving into new green territory. Parents who don’t want to expose their girls to “I’m too pretty for homework” t-shirts, could always turn to Land’s End. Until this:

Thank to The Momalog for calling out Land’s End on this pornified advertising for children. “What bothered me most about the photo,” she says:

• The 9-or-10-year-old girl in hiked-up shorts, in a somewhat suggestive, leggy and adult-like pose, mouth open, licking a lollipop (prompting one reader to comment, “Who are they targeting? Little girls? Or pedophiles?”)
• Two boys flanking either side exchanging knowing hubba-hubba glances.

And now, L.L. Bean too has bought into the notion that all women really just want to be sex kittens.