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Surrogacy: Further Support for Abortion Rights

A SYTYCB entry

Now someone can pay thousands of dollars to a woman in India to be a surrogate for her or his child. This has been bothering me for a while. On the one hand it’s a way for someone to find a surrogate who is not otherwise able to, and a woman in India gets an opportunity to improve her financial situation by providing this service. On the other hand, I see it as a way of taking advantage of the women’s financial situations and willingness to do whatever they can to earn the money. In a sense, these women are renting their wombs.

Another aspect of this issue that occurred to me as I was watching the story is that surrogacy in general (aside from the issue of “exporting” it to India) is another example of when abortion may be indicated. To increase chances of a successful pregnancy, the doctor injects a few embryos to help insure that one implants. There is then also the chance that more than one will implant, decreasing the safety of all those embryos in the womb. The doctor then will need to abort all but one, in order to have a healthy and safe pregnancy for the remaining one.

On racism and skin color

A SYTYCB entry

A school in Prescott, Arizona has a mural on one of its outside walls and the principal asked the artists of the mural to lighten the skin color of the children depicted.

Sadly, this did not surprise me. Racism may not be like it was 40 years ago, but racist values are so tightly woven into society that we don’t even recognize them most of the time. But you have to go beneath the surface and keep digging to see that we still hold racist values; skin color is one example.

I think that of the two genders, women are the underdogs in most cultures. But feminism cannot be examined without the issue of race. As such some of ...

A SYTYCB entry

A school in Prescott, Arizona has a mural on one of its outside walls and the principal asked the artists of the mural to lighten the skin color of the children depicted.

Sadly, this did ...