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Why do I need separate campaign materials? ‘Cause my stupid lady brain responds only to pink.

This Saturday in the mail my husband and I received, along with our Netflix dvd’s and nasty holiday cheese catalogs, His and Hers campaign solicitations for a Montana House of Representatives candidate! His came typed on white paper with blue and red letterhead, and mine came on pink stationary with a pink envelope with curly purple cursive handwriting! His was from the candidate, short and to the point, exorting him to vote for a "fiscally conservative and socially responsible" incumbent, and mine was three pages from the candidates wife, politely requesting that I vote for the sensitive "family man" who "comes home every night" and tucks in their four wee ones.


The Caylee Anthony Debacle

I don’t know about you, but this whole Caylee/Casey Anthony thing has gotten out of control. My first reaction when the whole thing started was of course to turn to the lady on the elliptical next to me and say, "When was the last time you saw anyone make this big a deal out of a missing kid of color?" Elliptical lady was entirely uninterested. Whatever.

I don’t know about you, but this whole Caylee/Casey Anthony thing has gotten out of control. My first reaction when the whole thing started was of course to turn to the lady on the elliptical next ...