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Help Kickstart a Coloring Book for Little Girls of Color

Two weeks ago, the blog linked to a great project: Miss Gee’s coloring book for little girls of color.  Miss Gee designed this book because she noticed that whenever she tried to find coloring books for her daughter, they usually depicted girls and women with straight hair.  She didn’t want her daughter to get the wrong impression from this.

She launched a kickstarter project a while back but didn’t get enough donations at the time.  She’s just been approved for a second attempt.  We have 21 days to get her to the $5000 goal she needs.  Head over to her Kickstarter page to learn more!

Bringing Sexy Back?

So there’s a new attempt by conservative folk to rebel against what they see as cultural standards on sexuality, and they attempt, according to their website, to “spread [their] propaganda like it’s Soviet Russia”  I’ll give you a hint: their new form of sexuality doesn’t involve anything kinky.

That’s right!  They’re “bringing sexy back” by advocating for monogamous sex within marriage without the use of birth control.

This website offers a myriad of (mis)information about the growing HIV rate and the dangers of hormonal birth control (it causes breast cancer, didn’t you know?).  Interestingly, I read through a few of the studies they cited in their article about the ineffectiveness of condoms in the campaign against HIV, and ...

So there’s a new attempt by conservative folk to rebel against what they see as cultural standards on sexuality, and they attempt, according to their website, to “spread [their] propaganda like it’s Soviet Russia”  I’ll give ...