Kira White

College student, survivor of sexual assault, indirect survivor of domestic abuse, activist, swing dancer.

Posts Written by Kira

That Awkward Moment When There Isn’t Informed Consent in an Event for Survivors

Recently I went to an event organized by a survivor of sexual assault whose purpose is to support other survivors. The cruel irony: An event for helping people heal after their consent has already been violated… didn’t practice informed consent. What?

Recently I went to an event organized by a survivor of sexual assault whose purpose is to support other survivors. The cruel irony: An event for helping people heal after their consent has already been violated… didn’t ...

Please Don’t Tell Me This is Normal

If I trust you enough to tell my story,

Please don’t tell me this is normal.

Don’t remind me it happens every day,

In every city, in every state.

If I trust you enough to tell my story,

Please don’t tell me this is normal.

Don’t remind me it happens every day,

In every city, in every state.

How to Help a Loved One Cope with Triggers

Triggers are a normal, common aspect of being a survivor of sexual assault and other traumas. They’re difficult to deal with and often feel entirely out of our control. Even years later, triggers can have a strong effect on survivors, but loved ones can make a huge difference. If you know someone who is a survivor, learning to help them cope with triggers is one of the most helpful things you can do.

Triggers are a normal, common aspect of being a survivor of sexual assault and other traumas. They’re difficult to deal with and often feel entirely out of our control. Even years later, triggers can have a strong ...

How to Cope with Triggers

Triggers are one of the hardest parts about being a survivor of sexual assault (or any other trauma). It’s not possible to avoid all triggers, so what can you do when you come across one?

Triggers are one of the hardest parts about being a survivor of sexual assault (or any other trauma). It’s not possible to avoid all triggers, so what can you do when you come ...

What are Triggers?

No matter what the media tries to tell us, sexual assault can be experienced in an infinite number of ways. However, there is one thing that nearly all survivors have in common: triggers.

No matter what the media tries to tell us, sexual assault can be experienced in an infinite number of ways. However, there is one thing that nearly all survivors have in common: triggers.

Conquering one of my triggers

Trigger warning: descriptions of sexual assault and triggers 

Yesterday my boyfriend playfully touched the side of my ribs during a conversation.

Trigger warning: descriptions of sexual assault and triggers 

Yesterday my boyfriend playfully touched the side of my ribs during a conversation.

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