Kate Ericson

My name is Kate Ericson, and I am a writer, social justice theorist, and Feminist living in Washington, D.C. I have a Master's in American Studies from George Washington University, with a focus in women and gender studies. My hobbies include excitedly petting golden retrievers, eating pizza, and traveling.

Posts Written by Kate

Let’s All Agree, “Angry” Is Not An Insult

Nothing is meant to silence a woman as quickly as the accusation that she is “angry.”  A woman passionately speaking out against oppressions based on her gender, class, or ethnicity is rarely well-spoken or thought-provoking; rather, she is angry or emotional.  While misogynists levying “anger” against women daring to speak their mind may seem reductionist and unoriginal, the insult remains quite effective.

American Terrorisms

I remember exactly where I was when the first plane hit the North Tower in Manhattan on September 11, 2001.  I was outside enjoying morning recess with all of the other fourth graders at my small Catholic school in Norwich, Connecticut. 

I remember exactly where I was when the first plane hit the North Tower in Manhattan on September 11, 2001.  I was outside enjoying morning recess with all of the other fourth graders at my small Catholic ...

Please, Let Me Be More Than My Uterus

One of the most freeing moments of my life came when my doctor announced he may have to remove my uterus.  He said it slowly, apologetically, perhaps expecting tears to come out of my newly-married twenty-something eyes.  For me, this announcement came as a relief. 

One of the most freeing moments of my life came when my doctor announced he may have to remove my uterus.  He said it slowly, apologetically, perhaps expecting tears to come out of my newly-married twenty-something eyes.  ...