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I’m ruining society, thank goodness…

Apparently, I’m destroying our society by using contraception, masturbating, and finding Rick Santorum really unattractive.

In what has been mistaken as a misanthropic rage, I produced a series of cartoons based on the characters from my comic Femme Schism, which deals with gender injustice and cultural intolerance.

Roller Derby: The Ultimate Feminist Sport?

I’m an athletic woman, yet it still took me two months to pass the minimum skills test just to be able to scrimmage as an active skater for the Chattanooga Roller Girls (CRG). So it’s pretty insulting when some man on a local radio show referred professional roller derby skaters as “trash on wheels.” I guess the hours I spend skating laps, doing pushups (“real” pushups, I’ll have you know), building up my agility, and jumping over a foot in the air while on skates apparently takes as little skill as flashing my tits or mud wrestling in a bikini.

Roller derby is a women’s-only sport that involves full contact hits to legal target areas. Because every body ...

I’m an athletic woman, yet it still took me two months to pass the minimum skills test just to be able to scrimmage as an active skater for the Chattanooga Roller Girls (CRG). So it’s pretty ...

The First Artists

In my third year of college, I made a radical proposal to my art history teacher in regards to the Venus of Willendorf figures from the Upper Paleolithic era (ca. 30,000 BCE). Unfortunately, it wasn’t my idea but was derived from an obscure article written by LeRoy McDermott. I told my professor that these tiny, stone “Venus” figures may not have been fashioned by men for the purpose of representing female fertility, which is the consensus in the majority of texts. These figures, I said, might actually be self-portraits. Why else would the face be entirely absent and the body so squat and plump despite the exceptionally chilly environmental conditions of the time? When a ...

In my third year of college, I made a radical proposal to my art history teacher in regards to the Venus of Willendorf figures from the Upper Paleolithic era (ca. 30,000 BCE). Unfortunately, it wasn’t my ...

Nothing is Natural

Don’t give me a diamond necklace. You wouldn’t want car parts or a toolbox from me, would you? Give me some new roller skating wheels and some paintbrushes, and I’ll know you understand me. Flowers aren’t so bad though…
Don’t treat me like a woman; treat me like me.
You’re shorter and smaller than me; you haven’t thrown a punch in your life, so why the hell would I expect you to be the protector? And I don’t share your damned taste buds, so let me sip the wine before ordering. I’m capable of pulling out my own chair. If I get to the door first and hold if open for you, don’t tackle ...

Don’t give me a diamond necklace. You wouldn’t want car parts or a toolbox from me, would you? Give me some new roller skating wheels and some paintbrushes, and I’ll know you understand me. ...