Posts Written by FarmerDyke

For the love of GAWD. Stop saying “weird”.

Hey kid who seems to be in every class I have ever taken in college.  Stop using the word ‘weird’ to describe people of customs or ideas that are strange (meaning not of one’s own or a particular locality, environment, or kind) to you.

No matter what class I am in, there is always someone who raises their hand all the time and says “Its really weird that” in Tanzania (or China or Zanzibar or Uruguay or where-ever-the-fuck) people do X, or people say X. Or that is really weird that gay people (or women or people of color) say X. It makes you look really ignorant. And it pisses me off enough that I can’t concentrate on anything else you are saying. And for some reason, this shit pops up in Anthropology classes all the time, when in theory people there should have heard of this radical idea called cultural relativity. So stop sustaining this sense of self and other. It is damaging.

Do you hear me? This is damaging.

The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines the adjective weird as “suggesting something supernatural; uncanny”. In informal usage, “very strange; bizarre.It goes on to add that to ‘weird someone out’ is to ‘induce a sense of…alienation in someone”.

‘Weird’ is an alienating word, and every time you use it to describe someone not like yourself, especially when your worldview is mainstreamed as the ‘normal’ experience, you are sustaining  perpetuating the roadblocks between what people ...

a thought on convictions and rhetoric

Crossposted at FarmerDyke

Because I am a glutton for punishment, I often seek out and read PickUpArtist and MensRightsActivist materials. Especially if I can find a fun and stinging critique like this one. Holly Pervocracy may state that this is intended as a mockery and not a rebuttal, but her point is made. I’d like to pretend I read this sort of nonsense because my inner anthropologist is fascinated by such a different lens for reality, but really I just like to rubberneck.

Feel free to read The Misandry Bubble on The Futurist blog if you like to be filled with righteous feminist ire.

Not that you care, Mr. Futurist, but here are my two cents:

When I see “[women] are far from capable of discussing actual points of disagreement in ...

Crossposted at FarmerDyke

Because I am a glutton for punishment, I often seek out and read PickUpArtist and MensRightsActivist materials. Especially if I can find a fun and stinging critique like this one. Holly Pervocracy may state ...

Commercial catastrophe

Hello Feministing community! Just thought I would share a little ass-hattery brought to you by Crystal Light!

It’s a diet product commercial! So we have to have women talking about how much they love diet products cause only women diet!

Also, I live in WA. It is never almost bikini season. Except for that freak global-climate-change-induced week of unreasonably hot weather that happens every year we have two beach seasons. Rain coat and boots season and sweatshirt and shorts season.

Truly, I don’t even really know where to start. Until this last year, I had lived rather television and hence commercial free since highschool and the return to advertisements post feminist-enlightenment has me flabbergasted at the sexism and policing of ‘gendered activities’.

Hello Feministing community! Just thought I would share a little ass-hattery brought to you by Crystal Light!

It’s a diet product commercial! So we have to have women talking about how much they love diet products cause only ...