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Gay Marriage bill in N.H. needs help in

I grew up in a small town in central N.H., and I remember at my grade school the most popular insult on and off the playground, by a landslide, was "faggot."  I can’t look at this bill as a sweeping change to the mentalities of many people in the state, but that it has made it so far though the state gov’t – albeit narrowly – gives me some hope.

As I understand, the bill is only moving forward because of an amendment made to it:

The amendment distinguished between "civil marriage" and weddings sanctioned by religious groups, spelling out that the state would not force those groups to marry same-sex couples. It also clarified that the bill would not eliminate the option to select "husband" or "wife" when applying for a marriage license, even as it would add the gender-neutral term "spouse."

The Senate version "recognizes the sanctity of religious marriages and the diversity of beliefs in our culture" while also addressing a form of state discrimination, Senate President Sylvia Larsen said in an interview after the vote.

Still sounds pretty discriminatory to me, although if the full privileges and benefits of a hetero marriage are applicable after a service by a Justice of the Peace, that doesn’t seem like a bad thing.  If someone wanted a religious service they could always call Rev. Gene Robinson <3<3<3.  Is this a different standard than in Vermont or Massachusetts or other states?

Any readers living in NH ...

FOX News employs crazy stalkers

Amanda Terkel, a blogger for ThinkProgress, wrote an almost unbelievable account of her stalking by FOX News crews while on vacation so they can ambush her about a comment she had written calling bullshit on Bill O’Reilly’s hypocracy towards rape victims.

Her story is here:

"My friend and I were in this small town for a short weekend vacation and had told no one about where we were going. I can only infer that the two men staked out my apartment and then followed me for two hours. Looking back, my friend and I remember seeing their tan SUV following us for much of the trip."

…as if I needed another reason to hate that man and ...

Amanda Terkel, a blogger for ThinkProgress, wrote an almost unbelievable account of her stalking by FOX News crews while on vacation so they can ambush her about a comment she had written calling ...

NPR: Obama To Overturn Bush ‘Conscience’ Rules

Some good news today:

I’m sure many people are aware of W’s Conscience rule , passed during his final hours in office, which essentially gave providers a free pass to REFUSE WOMEN CARE OR SERVICES if the doctor’s personal belief conflicted with the woman’s wishes.

Well, according to NPR, Pres. Obama is planning to overturn that disasterous piece of legislation.  Read about it here.

Some good news today:

I’m sure many people are aware of W’s Conscience rule , passed during his final hours in office, which essentially gave providers a free pass to REFUSE WOMEN CARE OR SERVICES if the ...

Feminist webcomics

Part of having a job that isn’t 100% engaging is finding things to do when sitting on a conference call with nothing to contribute. Enter: webcomics!

Those are just a couple that I read regularly, and I just realized how pro-feminist  couple of them are; I’d like to share those with everyone:

xkcd , a great stick-figure-prominent comic about relationships, online culture, and mathematics (Cara at feministe rallied for xkcd in the 2008 Weblog awards. It’s winning!!)

- Questionable Content , about a bunch of 20-something hipsters in Northampton, MA. The protagonist is a feminist man, but the cast is mostly prominent female characters, with dynamic personalities and all drawn beautifully. Indie music, sex, and internet jokes ...

Part of having a job that isn’t 100% engaging is finding things to do when sitting on a conference call with nothing to contribute. Enter: webcomics!

Those are just a couple that I read regularly, and I just ...