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The personal IS politcal

An SYTYCB entry

My inspiration for this post comes from this article. Another one that was sent to me by my brother. It’s about “partial birth” abortions and how Obama is a baby killer. (seriously) While this entire article is incredibly offensive, way over exaggerated and for the most part factually inaccurate (the entire website is all of these things), I’m not here to talk about the actual article. This subject has been blogged about aplenty and honestly I’m a little too angry to even deal with it right now. What I want to talk about is the title: “Since democrats want to keep talking about abortion (instead of the economy), let’s do it shall we?”

This title says an awful lot. First, she’s implying that abortion is a subject not worth talking about. Second, she’s implying that talking about the economy is much more important then talking about abortion. Now I’m not at all trying to say that the economy isn’t important. It absolutely is. I would even agree that politicians (on both sides, not just democrats) have seemed to be avoiding the subject. However, I think the topic of abortion is equally important (especially with all the constant attacks). The personal is political.

The concept of the personal being political is not a new one, but it is one that is so often ignored by politicians (especially those on the right). Human beings are political by nature. Everything from marriage to childbirth to ...

Egg freezing: A step for women?

A SYTYCB entry

In the mail this morning I received a copy of the libertarian Reason magazine with my name on it that must have been sent to me by my conservative brother. I’ll read anything that you put in front of me so I began flipping through it. I came across an article that caught my eye titled “Resetting your biological clock: Egg freezing opens up new frontiers in gender equality” and obviously I had to read it.

Egg freezing is a process that takes a woman’s eggs and freezes them for future use. The purpose is so that women can have the option to have babies later in life, when they are not as likely to be able to do ...

A SYTYCB entry

In the mail this morning I received a copy of the libertarian Reason magazine with my name on it that must have been sent to me by my conservative brother. I’ll read anything that you ...