Posts Written by Julia

Brazilian Women Are Not Just Their Butts

“Where are you from?”


“I have a folder on my desktop dedicated to women like you.”

I am tired of Brazilian women only making the international news because of their butts. I am tired of prancing lingerie-clad models being representative of Brazilian women. I am tired of seeing “Brazilian Butts” workout DVD commercials. Mostly, I am tired of the glorification of Brazilian butts which minimizes Brazilian women to one part of their body.

I don’t want my culture to be defined by butts and because of that I want to bring to light some extremely awesome Brazilian women who have or are contributing immensely to the empowerment of Latina women and just kicking butts left and right. 

An ode to the Riot Grrl

Every woman should know about the riot grrl movement. It’s the most recent feminist movement (early 90’s), it’s the cultural companion to the third wave feminism, and it’s fronted by badass punk chicks. And badass punk chicks are cool.

Up until the riot grrl movement and third wave feminism, feminism typically focused on an all-encompassing idea. Third wave feminism was about individualism and rejecting the essentialist definition of femininity: we should not feel guilty about wanting a career and rejecting motherhood, for example, but we also should not feel like less of a feminist because we choose to raise a family over a career. Or maybe we’d like to pick both and not feel bad about that, either.

Most importantly, and ...

Every woman should know about the riot grrl movement. It’s the most recent feminist movement (early 90’s), it’s the cultural companion to the third wave feminism, and it’s fronted by badass punk chicks. And badass punk chicks ...