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“Your Say” says it all about discrimination in America.

I’m sure you are all familiar with the Facebook application called "Your Say," opinion polls made by users.  Questions like "do you like dogs" or "how much are you looking forward to the new Twilight movie" seem trivial and not worth answering.  However, I have come across plenty of wothwhile questions such as, "what do you think of the new healthcare plan."  Okay, not so bad.  But then, you get to the biased, skewed questions that do not hide their discrimination.  The one that caught my eye tonight is this one:

Should Fat people have to pay more taxes?

Being the opinionated person that I am, I had to answer it.  The question alone is pretty bad. Here is my response:

Put it this way, we can replace the word "Fat" with "Black."  Meaning, should Black people have to pay more taxes?  Most people would get pissed at the idea of racial profiling.  Replacing "Fat" with "Gay" would mostly get the same effect.  (I say mostly because there is still an unfortunate stigma against homosexuals.) Again, we could use "Disabled" for "Fat" and produce a similar effect.  However, I’m pretty certain that there are a lot of jackasses out there that would be down for the idea of having disabled people with fixed low incomes pay more taxes out of ignorance.  By proclaiming one group to be "less than" based on physical appearance is an antiquated idea of regression.

Now, if the question wasn’t bad ...

Go Kalamazoo for making it safe for LGBT!

Election day was today. It may not be a national one, but it was an important one. Especially for LGBT rights in Kalamazoo, MI.

The One Kalamazoo campaign for Ordinance 1856 is one that I feel passionate about. I volunteered for the campaign last week. The passing of the Ordinance would change the current anti-discrimination law to include LGBT. Allowing them to work and live in an environment that is non-discriminatory based upon sexuality. This also includes full access to restrooms for transgendered people (everyone for that matter).

Anyway, I spent my Friday afternoon calling people that previously pledged that they would vote in favor of the Ordinance to remind them that election day was ...

Election day was today. It may not be a national one, but it was an important one. Especially for LGBT rights in Kalamazoo, MI.

The One Kalamazoo campaign for Ordinance 1856 is one that I ...

Is it just polite conversation and birthday wishes?

I am not one to get offended easily.  But lately, I’ve become more irritated and slightly angered at the sexism going on in my life.  Maybe I’ve just become more aware of it.  Who knows. 

Here are some highlights from a conversation that set me off last week:

"I know I might sound sexist, but could you imagine if women ran the UN?"

"Yeah, every 28 days there would be a war."

"They would scream that they were PMSing."

Those statements made me leave the room–irritated, angered, offended.   I am not proud of my reaction.  I was asked if everything was okay; I came up with the excuse that I wasn’t feeling well, which was only partly true.

On another note, I recieved a birithday card ...

I am not one to get offended easily.  But lately, I’ve become more irritated and slightly angered at the sexism going on in my life.  Maybe I’ve just become more aware of it.  Who knows. 

Here are some ...

Media and sexual brainwashing?

This has been my comment taken and edited from the following article.

Although I find this article filled with blatant sexism and heterosexism I can say that I agree with some of its more solid points.

Society does project a certain standard that men and women are meant to follow, in terms of beauty. More often than not it is portrayed in the media. Shows like "America’s Next Top Model" put men and women into standards that make them feel like they are "not enough," that women are not "beautiful enough" or "thin enough". That is what irritates me. Women are told to be pretty, "get the guy with your looks, not your brains". He does illustrate an interesting point, ...

This has been my comment taken and edited from the following article.

Although I find this article filled with blatant sexism and heterosexism I can say that I agree with some of its more solid points.

Society ...