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Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

“President Obama: The trans community is suffering in your prisons.”

Today is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

Evil Missouri bill would revoke scholarships if student athletes strike.

Mahroh and I wrote about how Christian universities can legally discriminate against LGBT students.

VICE interviewed Darkmatter.

An unbelievable story of rape.

Men explain Lolita to me.

The tweet of the century, courtesy of @hologramvron.

“Yoko Ono was so ahead of her time that only now… her work seems finally contemporary.”

In honor of her 240th birthday (yesterday), which Jane Austen heroine are you?

New Haven, CT

Dana Bolger is a Senior Editor at Feministing and the co-founder of Know Your IX, the national youth-led organization working to end gender violence in schools. She's testified before Congress on Title IX policy and legislative reform, and her writing has appeared in a number of outlets, including The New York Times, Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal. She's also a student at Yale Law School, and you can find her on Twitter at @danabolger.

Dana Bolger is a Senior Editor at Feministing and a student at Yale Law School.

Read more about Dana

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