
Fighting Social Injustice: Stand up to End Violence Against Women

Violence against women is a staggering problem worldwide. The cost of domestic violence against women is $4 trillion globally. Though 125 countries criminalize violence, enforcement of these laws still leaves room for improvement. You can become part of the effort to stand up against violence against women. Whether you want to dedicate your career to the cause or have only minimal resources to offer, you can find a way to become part of the effort.

Advocate for Women’s Rights

If you’re passionate about fighting violence against women and have a significant amount of time and effort to dedicate to the cause, advocating for women’s rights and safety is a powerful way to make a difference. Advocacy can take many forms and may include:

  • Researching the issue and producing informative resources for others.
  • Educating legislators on the issue.
  • Organizing events such as rallies.
  • Holding community forums to educate the public.

Many advocacy tools are available to help you get started. You can organize your own advocacy activities or join the efforts of others by connecting with organizations like Amnesty International.

If you’re ready to get deeply involved in criminal justice to help make necessary changes, you can even pursue a career focused on advocating for women’s rights. A strong educational background in criminal justice will serve as a powerful tool. Schools like the University of Cincinnati make it easy to go back to school for this education with an online master’s in criminal justice.

Volunteer to Help Victims

If you have only a moderate amount of time to dedicate to the cause, volunteering is an excellent way to make a difference. You can explore a variety of volunteer opportunities to find one that fits your availability. Volunteering can take many forms. You may perform administrative tasks, counsel victims, or operate a phone hotline. Volunteering at a women’s shelter you may provide basic assistance such as childcare or cleaning.

Organizations like Women Helping Battered Women, New Beginnings, and Women Helping Women all offer a variety of opportunities for volunteers. If you’re unable to volunteer your time, you can also help victims by making a financial donation.

Educate Yourself and Others

Everyone can fight social injustice, even if they feel like they have little to no time and resources to dedicate to the issue. The simplest way to get involved is simply to educate yourself on the issue. Recognizing the problem is the first step to making a significant change. One in three women experience physical or sexual violence. Worldwide, approximately 38 percent of murdered women are killed by an intimate partner.

As shocking as these statistics are, it’s unlikely that they show the entire picture. A study across 28 European Union countries indicated that just 14 percent of women report the most serious episode of domestic abuse to the authorities. Understanding the situation yourself and spreading the word to others is a powerful first step toward making a significant change.

With enough people fighting for an end to violence against women, it’s possible to achieve widespread change. Join the effort however you can.

Header image credit: Steven Depolo/Flickr

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

Jane Miller is a business consultant based in Tampa Bay. She is an avid writer, traveler, foodie and a certified coffee addict. She really wanted to have a cat but her nomadic lifestyle won’t allow it.

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