From a Feministing member in Arkansas: Rally for Reproductive Rights

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

It was a cold and rainy day in Little Rock when several hundred Arkansans convened at the Arkansas capitol to stand up for women’s reproductive freedom and demand a healthy and safe world for women.

It was a day to renew hope, a day to draw strength from one another.

It was a day to witness the power of Arkansas women and be reminded of the great men who stand as our allies in this ongoing struggle.

Living in Arkansas is a joy. For people who don’t live here, Arkansas doesn’t really register in the geographical imagination, and people don’t always think of it as a wonderful place to live, but it is. The people are kind and welcoming, the natural beauty overwhelms and enriches the spirit, there are numerous dedicated activists working for justice. But living here has become uncomfortable as these bills have become law. I feel less welcome as a woman. I feel my body has become a political commodity. I feel like I’ve been demoted to the status of a childlike being who is not to be trusted with decisions. 

But we’re fighting back. Standing together today with hundreds of Arkansans dedicated to women’s reproductive freedom and a healthy and safe world for all women has assured me that we are strong, and we will not relent in the struggle to ensure that Arkansas legislators do not roll back rights that women fought so hard to secure decades ago.

If you’re interested in learning more about the attacks on women’s reproductive rights in Arkansas and the amazing work being done to counteract these efforts, here is a great article.

Sweet dreams of reproductive freedom for Arkansas women and women worldwide.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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