What We Missed

Picture of the Day: The President on Rosa Parks’ bus. (via)

Wow: The Vatican is ordering disciplinary action against U.S. nuns for not not being anti-choice and homophobic enough, and committing “radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith.”

Well that’s that: Lesley Arfin of HBO’s new show Girls is a racist asshole.

The Nebraska legislature is overriding the governor’s veto to extend prenatal care to undocumented women. 

In anticipation of this summer’s 40 year anniversary of Title IX and the upcoming Olympics, On The Issues Magazine has released their  newest issue on women and girls in sports. (And Zerlina’s in it too!)

Amazing to see my friend and feminist bad-ass Joanne Smith of GGE represent on The Daily Show.  

Samhita talks feminist blogging at Gerf Magazine, whose headline is kind of hilarious.

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