I’m not his slave…

I’ve been rather ranty lately. (And really, who wouldn’t be with all the anti-woman politics coming from the GOP?) So I shall do as any other person with a computer would do. TO THE INTERNET! *dunananananana*

All joking aside, this actually has something to do with the internet. I like to go to forums, I like to go to chats. I only go to one-on-one chats, because large chat rooms are just nightmares full of underage teenagers looking for internet sex, and creepy people trying to pick them up. Plus, with one-on-ones, I don’t have to register for any particular site or screen name, so no one gets any of my personal information unless I personally give it to them. And since it’s the internet, I don’t (no one gets my facebook, e-mail, pics, etc.).

But, as it is still the internet, it’s not without it’s er…well, complete and total f*ckwits and a good helping of a*shats. And the general consensus among them is that if I’m engaged, then I shouldn’t be online talking to anyone, and that I should be either talking to my fiance, pleasing him, or just being with him pretty much every second of the day. The fact that I could possibly even consider doing something without him is unheard of, and the accusations of infidelity and unfaithfulness fly until I hit the “disconnect” button.

Okay, since when did being engaged/married mean that I’m no longer allowed to talk to other people? Internet or otherwise? For Crissake, he put a ring on my finger, not handcuffs around my wrists. Aside from that, when I start a conversation, I start it with “Hello, how are you?” not, “Hey, I’ve got tits! Want to see them?” Any assumption that I’m cheating or looking to cheat is made on pretty much nothing. Going on to the internet in and of itself does not mean that I’m in the market to be unfaithful. Besides, if someone asks me, “Hey, do you have a boyfriend?” what do they want me to say? Well, I’m sure they would love it if I told them I was totally available, ready to send pics, and turned on so much by the appearance of their oh-so-sexy text that I’m just going to jump through the screen and let them have their way with me. But no, they will just have to deal with, “I’m engaged” instead.

But really though, what is this ridiculous idea that the minute I said “Yes!” to a proposal, I became his slave and I have to be with him all the time? That somehow engaged/married women have to be supervised by their fiance’s/husbands? And if it were HIM that were online chatting, would he get the same kind of third degree I get whenever someone finds out that I’m not single? (Probably not, because they usually assume I’m a guy until I mention otherwise…and THEN that’s when all the accusations and assumptions and subsequent scoldings begin…)

YES I am female. YES I am engaged. I DO talk to my fiance, I AM allowed to talk to the outside world too, in whatever media I choose. Does that mean I’m a bad wife? NO. Does it mean he needs to supervise me? HELL NO. Is my marriage going to end up in shambles because I dared to walk out of his sight for two seconds to turn on the computer? ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NOT.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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