What we missed

So did you hear the one about when the New York Times reprinted a story from the AP that was trying to make fun of how ABC doesn’t get why transgender people are upset about the new show Work It, but in doing so failed to call transgender people, people? Oh, wait, that really happened. PS: from the GLAAD media reference guide,

“Transgender should be used as an adjective, not as a noun. Do not say, ‘Tony is a transgender,’ or ‘The parade included many transgenders.’ Instead say, ‘Tony is a transgender person,’ or ‘The parade included many transgender people.'”

Don’t let his new ad fool you, Mitt Romney does not support the Dream Act.

Tuscan school district will be eliminating ethnic studies because the state is cutting funding. We knew it was coming and for those that know about the fight to add ethnic or women’s studies to the curriculum, we know this is a huge loss.

The Florida senate has unanimously passed an anti-shackling bill. Perez tells us more at Radical Doula.

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