What we missed

The inimitable Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai has passed away. May she rest in power.

The very brilliant Melissa Harris Perry wrote a brave piece about race, liberals and Obama. The responses ranged from rage to well thought out arguments. She defended her piece. I mentioned on twitter last night, what annoys me most about race conversations is that if race isn’t the 100% problem, you are only allowed to bring it up as 0% of the conversation–anything else is read as divisive. Perry takes issue with this assumption and some other ones.

An awesome essay about fighting against the inflicted belief that a woman in a wheelchair can’t enjoy sex.

If you are going to the NYC Web 2.0 Expo, I will be giving a presentation at Ignite NYC a really fun series of presentations where you get five minutes and twenty slides.

The Frisky on how to teach boys to be feminists.

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