It’s World Peace Day

Troy Davis crowd

…and Troy Davis is still scheduled to be executed tonight. He will refuse his last meal.

and 6 out of every 10 women in the world will experience physical or sexual assault in their lifetime.

…and teens with disabilities are nearly twice as likely to experience violence than able-bodied teens

…and civilian deaths in Afghanistan are up by 31%.

…and 1,100 women are raped as a weapon of war every day in Congo.

…and violence against the LGBTQ community in the U.S. is up 13%.

and 70% of anti-LGBT murder victims last year were people of color.

…and 44% of them were trans women.

It’s World Peace Day, and the reality is that the world is an unjust and violent place to exist in. But it’s also a place of resilience, of love, and of individuals and movements seeking a more peaceful and just world. And that is a world still worth fighting for. As Davis said in a recent letter to his supporters:

This is not a case about the death penalty, this is not a case about Troy Davis, this is a case about Justice and the Human Spirit to see Justice prevail.

Call Judge Penny Freesemann at 912-652-7252 and take last-minute action to save Troy Davis’ life.

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