Wednesday Weigh-In: Bachmann and Schlafly Lovefest Edition

bachmann and shlaflyWe can’t be too surprised that Michele Bachmann is gaga for anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly, but to contend that the woman who has made her very career trying to destroy gender equality is the most important woman in the country? Well, that’s definitely saying a lot about Bachmann’s politics. At a Tea Party event last month, Bachmann said:

[Shlafly] is my heroine and my example as a forerunner…She truly is the mother of the modern conservative movement. I think she is the most important woman in the United States in the last one hundred years. Whatever Phyllis Schlafly says, it’s important that we listen, because she’s there on every issue, on every front. She is our hero, our heroine, our stalwart and I absolutely adore her. So God Bless you, my dear mentor and the person I hope to be some day.

I loved Think Progress’ response to this by giving Bachmann ten women more important than Schlafly who have actually contributed to American history in a meaningful way. So with that being said, we’d like to continue that list for our Wednesday Weigh-In:

What women do you think have made a serious impact on this country? How can we uplift the incredible women who have made America a better place to live, but aren’t credited for their important work? Who inspires you?

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