Thank You Thursdays: On Being

My later twenties were characterized by a lot of wandering and wondering about ethical, religious, and philanthropic issues. My questions–How does one live the most ethical life in contemporary America? How can I bring my daily choices more in line with my most deeply held values? How can I be, not just right, but effective in changing hearts & minds?–didn’t seem to fit into religious institutions, nor did they seem answered in a lot of the books I sought out. I thought about going back to school, but the money and the administrative rigamarole didn’t appeal to me. One podcast, more than any other, has done a deep, satisfying dive on many of the unsolved questions in my heart, and I want to make sure everyone is aware of it.

It’s called Krista Tippet On Being, formerly On Faith, and every week it produces a free podcast (and lots of amazing online content) that looks at issues affecting our lives and values. In their own words:

Krista envisioned a program that would draw out the intellectual and spiritual content of religion that should nourish our common life, but that is often obscured precisely when religion enters the news. Our sustained growth as a show has also been nurtured by a cultural shift that seeks conversation, shared life, and problem-solving within and across religious traditions and across categories of belief and non-belief. On Being has both responded and contributed to a growing acknowledgement that there are basic questions of meaning that pertain to the entire human experience. The particular dramas and dynamics of the 21st century — ecological, political, cultural, technological, and economic — are bringing this into relief.

If you’re new to the show, definitely check out Reviving Sister Aimee, Presence in the Wild, Listening Beyond Life and Choice, and The Vitality of the Struggle–three of my recent favorites.

And to everyone that creates On Being, thank you thank you thank you. Your presence in the media landscape is a huge gift.

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