Friday Feminist Fuck You: Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin and Louisiana Rep. John LaBruzzo

I didn’t have time to do an official Friday Feminist Fuck You video for this, but these folks are very worthy of a special dedication either way. In other words: Fuck you guys.

Yesterday, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed two bills into state law: One bans abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy — making Oklahoma the fourth state to ban abortion pre-viability; the other would prevent health insurers from covering abortions under Obama’s health care law. Not good at all.

And in Louisiana, remember the gem of a representative John LaBruzzo, who suggested that the state pay poor women $1,000 to get their tubes tied? Now, shockingly, he’s now interested in a full-fledge abortion ban in the state, which he introduced Wednesday. Apparently the sterilizing women didn’t work out so well for him, so why not control women’s bodily autonomy from the whole abortion angle?

You can email Johnny here, and contact Gov. Fallin here to give them your own Fuck You on this lovely Friday. This ain’t over yet.

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