Women Candidates Call on Opponents to Disavow Paladino

Women candidates for the New York State Senate like Didi Barrett, Joanne Yepsen, Robin Wilt, and Jennifer Maertz, have been calling on their Republican opponents to disavow the Republican candidate for governor.

Why?  Well, besides the racist, sexist and pornographic emails that he made a habit of sending around before he decided to run for office, Carl Paladino is a terrifying extremist when it comes to women’s health.  He believes abortion should be illegal—even in cases of rape and incest.  He wants to defund reproductive health clinics, which provide hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers with basic preventative care every year, simply because they also provide information about abortion.

So far, none of the Republican candidates has been willing to stand up and say that kind of extremism (“intemperate” emails, Senator Saland, really?) is not what New York stands for and it is not what New York wants.

That silence is terrifying.  We need women like Didi Barrett, Joanne Yepsen, Robin Wilt and Jennifer Maertz in the State Senate to stand up loud and clear for New York women, since the incumbent Republicans won’t.

Go watch the video Pro-Choice NY just put out about Carl Paladino—and ask yourself what we can do to make sure that his brand of extremist politics stays out of New York.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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