Ask Professor Foxy: How Do I Get Past His Not Cumming?

This weekly Saturday column “Ask Professor Foxy” will regularly contain sexually explicit material. This material is likely not safe for work viewing. The title of the column will include the major topic of the post, so please read the topic when deciding whether or not to read the entire column.
Dear Professor Foxy,
I’m sure you get this all the time, but I feel like my issue may be the first you’ve heard. My boyfriend and I recently had sex (both of our first times), and have had sex a handful of times since, and he has never cum. He thinks it’s because he had a back problem a couple years back, which made one of his legs ...

This weekly Saturday column “Ask Professor Foxy” will regularly contain sexually explicit material. This material is likely not safe for work viewing. The title of the column will include the major topic of the post, so please ...

What We Missed

Monday is the one-year anniversary of the murder of Dr. George Tiller. Harry Reid made a statement on the floor today (you can thank him here). Also, is calling for reflections from people to mark the anniversary.
This is unbelievably infuriating: in their objection over the repeal of DADT, the Family Research Council is saying the repeal will result in more “homosexual assaults.”
A new film was released in Ireland about the prevalence of African woman being trafficked into Ireland as sex slaves.
Guttmacher released a new report about USAID cutting contraceptive supplies to the Filipino government, having a huge effect particularly on low-income Filipino women.

Monday is the one-year anniversary of the murder of Dr. George Tiller. Harry Reid made a statement on the floor today (you can thank him here). Also, is calling for reflections from people ...

Really, Urban Outfitters?

While Urban Outfitters find shirts supporting marriage equality too controversial for their store shelves, apparently selling father-daughter purity grossness is all good. Whether or not this was meant to be funny, it really missed the mark; all it does is give me the ickies.
Vintage Video Sexism: Kissing is for Whores
Time Magazine hearts Purity Balls
The Purity Myth!
My hymen belongs to Daddy
h/t to Charlotte.

While Urban Outfitters find shirts supporting marriage equality too controversial for their store shelves, apparently selling father-daughter purity grossness is all good. Whether or not this was meant to be ...

First it was the “He-cession.” Now we have the “Menaissance.”

This piece by a writer at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is just too much. Shitting on those feminine “metrosexuals” to coin the “retrosexual” in what is the new era of the “menaissance,” his word play is as intense as his boner for Don Draper. The Mad Men fan has taken the show’s depiction of masculinity a little too seriously and is claiming that America is following suit and going back to a time where “the man’s man is back”:

Think Don Draper, the dapper, jut-jawed executive played by Jon Hamm in the AMC series “Mad Men.” He may be a philanderer, but you won’t find a pink shirt in his wardrobe. Like the dark hero characters of ex-spy Michael Westen in ...

This piece by a writer at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is just too much. Shitting on those feminine “metrosexuals” to coin the “retrosexual” in what is the new era of the “menaissance,” his word play is as ...

Quick Hit: Going deeper into the Facebook privacy controversy

Danah Boyd has a nuanced and powerful analysis of all these FB shananigans that is not to be missed. An excerpt:

In documenting Zuckerberg’s attitudes about transparency, Kirkpatrick sheds light on one of the weaknesses of his philosophy: Zuckerberg doesn’t know how to resolve the positive (and in his head inevitable) outcomes of transparency with the possible challenges of surveillance. As is typical in the American tech world, most of the conversation about surveillance centers on the government. But Kirkpatrick highlights another outcome of surveillance with a throwaway example that sends shivers down my spine: “When a father in Saudi Arabia caught his daughter interacting with men on Facebook, he killed her.” This is precisely the kind of unintended consequence ...

Danah Boyd has a nuanced and powerful analysis of all these FB shananigans that is not to be missed. An excerpt:

In documenting Zuckerberg’s attitudes about transparency, Kirkpatrick sheds light on one of the weaknesses of his ...

Happy Birthday, Miriam!

I figured what better way to celebrate Miriam’s 26th birthday than to revive Courtney’s famous rap about “the business”…

Transcript after the jump
If you’d like to show Miriam some birthday love, she’s encouraging friends to support the Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice – please donate today!

I figured what better way to celebrate Miriam’s 26th birthday than to revive Courtney’s famous rap about “the business”…

Transcript after the jump
If you’d like to show Miriam some birthday love, she’s encouraging friends to support the ...

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell two steps closer to repeal

Yesterday, the U.S. House and a Senate committee approved amendments which would repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell - but as Vanessa noted this week – only after some “compromises” are met.

Under the compromise, the repeal would occur after a military review of the matter and subsequent approval by Obama, the defense secretary and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

On The Joy Behar Show, Lt. Dan Choi – an Iraq veteran who announced he was gay on The Rachel Maddow Show to protest DADT – discusses why this isn’t much of a “compromise” at all.

Transcript forthcoming

Yesterday, the U.S. House and a Senate committee approved amendments which would repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell - but as Vanessa noted this week – only after some “compromises” are met.

Under the compromise, the repeal ...

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