WAM-it-Yourself: Celebrating Women, Action and Media 2010

It is WAM weekend and for some pretty fantastic reasons, there is no WAM conference this year, however feminists all over the country are having WAM related events. See if there is an event in your area. Photobucket
WAM was one of the first conferences I ever went to as a baby blogger. It is where I started, the first time I was asked to speak on a panel, the first time I was ever recognized for the work I do and the first time I met a lot of the people that are very important not only in my professional life, but also my personal life. WAM creates lasting bonds and brings passionate people together around a number of key issues. As a celebration of this being WAM weekend, I have decided to put together some of our favorite WAM related links. It is amazing to go back and read how much we learned over the years. Enjoy!
Jaclyn Friedman: Preserving Feminist Space
My first ever WAM panel.
Live Blogging at WAM! Battling Backlash: Strategies for Fighting Back, Rising Above and Making Progress

Live Blogging at WAM! Breaking the Frame: Revitalizing and Redefining Reproductive Rights Media Coverage

WAM 2009: Gender, Non-conformity and the media
What does a politics of inclusion REALLY look like?

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