Gay Dating site’s ad rejected for SuperBowl showing on CBS

Alright CBS, what gives? Why wont you air this ad?
Well, according to CNN, CBS claims that the dating site had a bad credit score. That almost seems like a legitimate reason to reject a bid for a very expensive yet very lucrative ad spot EXCEPT the site offered to pay CBS in CASH. This is something they would have no problem doing considering they have recieved over 40 million dollars from investors.
But alas, CBS claims to have “no record” of such an offer and only have 2 spots left.
From where I sit, CBS has proven itself to be against abortion and against homosexuality. The excuses they’ve made just don’t cut it.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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