“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

It is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, he would have been 81, and today I am thinking about love and the role that love and compassion plays in social movement building.
The Feministing crew is taking the day off to celebrate MLK’s birthday and will resume posting tomorrow.
Please put in comments your favorite MLK quotes, links, stories, memories and thoughts to commemorate one of the few holidays we celebrate as a nation that acknowledges the validity and importance of the civil rights movement and reminds us of the ongoing struggle for justice.
A few MLK related links.
Remembering the untold legacy of MLK.
On the forgotten promise of Obama’s race speech.
Ten OTHER things MLK said.
Dr. King…the forgotten radical.
The Santaclausification of MLK.
Two less heard speeches of MLK.

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